

We never did learn about love relationships in school, yet somehow we are just expected to “manage”… Can we ? Declining marriage rates, falling birth rates, in tandem with rising divorce rates tell us perhaps we can’t.

Traditional wisdom says, "Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation" – So if we fail repeatedly in finding love in spite of all attempts, or if we have difficulties sustaining love relationships, are we lacking in opportunity or preparation? The industry of love not only thrives, it presently boasts unprecedented prosperity worldwide. Why then, are marriage rates sinking and not rising ? This defies logic, and the inference is clear: the quandary lies not in a lack of opportunities, but rather in the insufficiency of preparation.

Preparation begins with the willingness to learn, and the willingness to learn requires humility. Humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. Humility in learning is not thinking less of what you already know, but thinking of what you already know, less.

In summation, you are unlikely to succeed with just preparation or opportunities alone, you really need BOTH. This is precisely why we have invested a tremendous amount of resources to ensure that our clients are fully supported. Regardless which service you choose, each client will be given access to a comprehensive palette of well researched, targeted video courses, to ensure that all opportunities we send your way will be maximized.