premium matchmaking
Photo of Mei Ling Ng Liu

Welcome to Hong Kong Matchmakers !

Thank you for visiting our website.

As an elite matchmaking company, we cater to tertiary educated senior professionals and executives in the higher income group. Certified by the Matchmaking Institute of New York and winner of numerous awards, Worldwide Lifestyle describes us as " society's paradigm of high end matchmakers, clearly one of the most professional matchmaking companies in Hong Kong, " while Hong Kong Business describes our founder “Diamond Matchmaker” Mei Ling as “.. someone who has put some class in the business of matchmaking.. ” .

If you lack time & resources in finding that special someone, come & talk to us. After all, you seek help from the head hunter, stock broker, travel agent, real estate agent, or even for a domestic helper… So why wouldn’t you engage professional matchmaking services for something far more important? We offer two types of services.
(A) One to one introductions to those who so prefer.
(B) A safe platform for relationship building - singles are welcome. Through engaging talks, exhilarating events, and fun short trips, singles mingle and existing partnerships thrive.

Please do come and see us. Just bring along an open mind, a positive attitude, and give love a chance.
Thank you for visiting our website, and we look forward to the pleasure of meeting you soon!